An evening with Alan Yau

I was randomly approached (or should I say PM'ed - private messaged to those non-techie don't do discussion forum people who actually go outside and see the sunshine rather than stare at a flickering PC monitor for over 12 hours a day, like saddo geek moi) by someone the other day about taking photos at a charity event. "Sure" I thought, why not, extra exposure and experience, as long as my new flash unit arrives (that's a whole other story... which I'll fill you in later*). So, flash arrives, I PM back and say "I'm in!". Turns out, it's a charity networking event, with guest speaker Alan Yau. Who? I hear you say. ALAN YAU! Come on people... anyone who has eaten at Wagamama should know who this guy is. He basically revolutionalised the Asian dining experience! His list of restaurants, some awarded Michelin stars, include Wagamama, Busaba, Eathai, Hakkasan, Yautcha, Sake No Hana and my personal favourite Carnaby Street Hong Kong style eaterie, Cha Cha Moon! So, as you can tell, I am more than a little excited (and in awe and a teeny bit crapping myself) about the event! Anyway, the event, raising money for the London Chinese Community Centre, is on 19th November, so I have plenty of time to practice and grow some balls (much needed to shove a camera in people's faces without fear of being shouted at, and something I am severly lacking). If you're interested in tickets, details can be found here.

* As for the whole flash issue, a good lesson to be learnt....

a) Don't put your camera on a tripod, attach very expensive Nikon Speedlight SB-600 flash unit, don't LOCK the idiot thing in place, and then rotate the camera 90 degrees, resulting on said flash falling off the camera from a great height and no longer doing it's bright flashy thing anymore... boohoo.

b) don't hunt around for the cheapest price when buying a flash, and then INSURE the damn thing for your bargain basement price, because when you break it and go to buy a new one, you realise that £140 was a crazy one off price that you can no longer find, when actually your beloved Nikon Speedlight SB-600 costs £230 brand new from Jessops, and your insurance company will only send you a cheque for £140, leaving you severely out pf pocket (lucky I found one on ebay for £160).

Yes, I'm a clutz, yes I'm a bargain hunter, and yes, I am now very thankful that I pay £6 a month camera insurance!!


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