Day in Chinese

Twitter is such a wonderful source of information, especially for the language student desperate to find like minded learners. So it was through Twitter that I made online friends with fellow Mandarin student BillGlover. Having another fairly active twitter user who studies Mandarin (and is far more advanced than me) has been brilliant. Not sure what a word means? I tweet Bill! Need a good suggestion for a Mandarin dictionary? I tweet Bill! And it's not just Bill. Through him I've come across various other brilliant Mandarin resources, students and blogs all on Twitter, such as Nciku, ChinesePod and ChineseTeachers. ChineseTeachers in particular tweet me back and correct my bad grammar when I attempt to tweet in Chinese, and answer my queries when I get stuck!

Through Bill I've also become a contributor to his Day in Chinese blog, which is collectively authored by a handful of fellow Mandarin learners (I hate saying students as it makes me think of teens who live off baked beans on toast, and me thinks that we're all a bit too old to be thought of as such!). I may repost my posts from there on here at a later date, but mosey on down if you're impatient to read my Mandarin iPhone app reviews (of which I've posted one so far!).


Punk Chopsticks said…
LOL usually I'm not much an advocate of Twitter...but then again I had NO idea that you could use it to further your language studies XD

And hey, if you need any help with mandarine, hokkien or hakka I'm always willing.

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