Countdown to madness...

Tick tock tick tock... the days are passing and the count down has started to my joint birthday party @ Tamarai on Saturday. We've had to close the guest list because it got so big!! The club only holds 300 MAX and we have around 450 on the guest list, with people still emailing us to get on it!

Going to go shopping on Saturday to try and find something to wear for the night... can't decide between hot pants and a top or buying a new dress... I guess if I can over dress for one night then this is it right?! Plus the dress code sounds pretty strict like Pangea and Penthouse... so the more you glam it up the better!!

Half of me is sooooo excited and the other half is just crapping it because I really don't want to get off my face drunk and with so many friends going I know I'm going to be drinking a LOT! Maybe I should insist no shots to prevent being paraletic before midnight? HAHA


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