Pain!! Ow ow

Wow I must be psychic... I was SO right about being achey today!! I got up out of bed this morning to be fully wakened by VERY sore thighs and chest! Ow!! My inner thighs are SO sore and my waist is killing every time I laugh... plus the muscles round my chest and collar bone are really stiff! Tummy muscles aren't so bad though! Obviously didn't work hard enough on the situps and ab crunches!

Yay going out for dinner tonight woohoo... not sure where we're going, somewhere in Farringdon most likely. So that's tonight and tomorrow's dinner sorted out! No plans for Friday still yet though! I SO can't stay in on a Friday night! Maybe I'll stay out for work drinks... as long as my colleagues don't get me into the state I was in last week again! HAHA


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