Being tested...

Well, I still haven't given in to the cravings to smoke... it's been 25 days now... even though I'm being tested SO MUCH with all the stress I'm being put through right now with family matters and the extra workload at work. I feel like I'm surviving on nervous energy and chocolate right now (and 4 hours sleep a night as I been staying up until 2 or 3 am because I can't sleep!).

So... is there anything to look forward to planned for 2007 yet? Hmm let me think... er NO! How depressing! There's lots going to happen, but none of it something you'd look forward to. This year is going to be the hardest yet I think and me and my family are just going to have to pull together and get through it. I think my parents are worried as they're all living together and I'm out in London on my own how I'm going to cope, but I know I'll be fine. I could say that renting a room in someone else's flat, and practically existing out your bedroom is depressing, but it's been my choice to go it alone and do my own thing since I moved out and I've had loads of fun over the past 4 or 5 years. I do feel it though. They have each other around them all the time at home, never left alone with their thoughts, I have that every night when I come home.

Anyway enough of the depressing thoughts. I do have at least one thing to look forward to and that's going out this weekend to someone's birthday! Have to curb the alcohol intake though as I have two ways of swinging when I get drunk... flirty hyperactive me and depressed 'I hate my life and everything in it' crying me... three guessed which will come out if I get drunk at the moment! haha... not the best way to look! Anyway, looking forward to going out and letting my hair down. Will be the first time since my birthday which seems like AGES ago!

Went to the cinema last night as well to see Smoking Aces. Had no idea what it was about beforehand but really enjoyed it. Was about a Vegas entertainer who was a key witness to bring down a mafia boss and has lots of different mercenaries/assassins after him to bump him off. I really enjoyed it although my friends didn't think it was all that!


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