People watching

Every day on my commute to work, i sit on the train, observing the other passengers. I like to people watch, and guess what they're like in the office... but there's always the odd eccentric that you just can't place in an office environment, regardless of the business attire. Today it's the odd woman a few seats down with the black straw like Worzel Gummidge scarecrow bob hair cut (which she doesn't seem to have brushed and I actually think she may have cut it herself) and bulging black leather handbag full of scraps of paper. She's currently sitting with her eyes screwed up shut, head slightly bowed, tip of her tongue out her mouth like a five year old concentrating on a very important crayon drawing, muttering to herself. I can't make out if she's praying or just a bit bonkers. Now i try to imagine her, in an office, behind a desk, at a computer... I just can't see it! Funny, maybe she tones down the crazy when she steps through the revolving doors... who knows.

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