Revamped website

I've totally reworked my blog with a new look!! It's taken me all evening and I still can't seem to just show my header image and not the blog title so I've had to rename my blog to ... for the meantime so the blog name doesn't overlap the header image, but apart from that I'm fairly happy with it! So tired now though after sitting here all night trying to fix it!!

Feeling a bit weird past few days... maybe it's the painkillers I'm on, but just been feeling fed up... can't really explain it. Had a bit of a disagreement with my boyf today too (first one) which has made me feel a bit blue too and managed to irritate him for the first time so far :(

Plus work has been yucky since I got back with my workload just getting piled on more and more and no light at the end of the tunnel. I've had marketing meetings all week with each sales team and come out with a new list of things to do. It's never ending!

Blergh, just generally in a icky mood and probably just in need of a day off, a cuddle, or maybe I should just go get some chocolate.....

..... although that won't help either as I'm feeling more and more fat since I got back from holiday and need to do some exercise and can't because of my damn ribs.... feeling totally unattractive and frumpy these days.

God listen to me moan moan moan... hadn't even intended to complain this much and it all came out! Oh well, obviously needed it. Hopefully I'll be in a better mood tomorrow....


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