More feeding woes...!

So my munchkin seems to be much better after months and months of screaming at the bottle and thrashing and refusing to drink (after I took her to a craniosteopath! Miracle cure I tell you but I'll blog about that another time!). She's finally drinking without fussing, but I took her to the health visitor today and she's dropped from 9th to 2nd and the health visitor said she's not drinking enough! She will only drink 4-5oz (130-150ml) at a time every 4 hours, although she takes 5-6oz at 7pm and 11pm (I still have to wake her at 11pm for a feed as she won't take enough during the day and 4 bottles is too little). But now the health visitor said I should wake her at 3am as well for a 6th feed to up her intake. She's drinking about 22-25oz a day right now. The health visitor said she should be on 30-35oz.

I'm gutted as I thought if sorted her feeding problems and the thought of trying to cram more milk in to her when she doesn't want it fills me with dread!!! Is it normal for babies to drop a centile at around 4-5 months and is 25oz too little? She's 11lbs 4oz now and 19 weeks today. I thought that was kind of ok, but I guess not if she's only gained 8oz in a month... after months of me telling the health visitors her feeds are a battle and being repeatedly told "maybe she's just not hungry" and "stop worrying, she's gaining weight" I'm now being told she's not gaining it fast enough and it's concerning. seriously?! I've been saying she's not feeding well since she was 8 weeks old!!! *sigh* these babies are sent to test us I swear!!!!


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