5 months old!

Munchkin is 5 months old today! Despite the worsening feeding situation and the stresses that go with it, she's still my little angel. She's such a happy baby, always smiling and laughing, content to play in her jumperoo or sit in the buggy when we go out. Mum and dad are just as smitten with her and dad jumps at every chance to push the buggy or carry her. She'll happily sit on his lap while he reads the newspaper or on our laps while we have our lunch. She loves looking at photos (even more so of ones of herself!) and laughs at videos of herself gurgling. She's started reaching out and grabbing my lips or putting her hand in my mouth when she lies in my arms, and finds it hilarious if I pretend to gobble up her hand.

She's growing, albeit slowly, and has finally doubled her birth weight (yay!). She's a slender 12lbs 1oz last week. Her hair is finally growing back (double yay!) so she doesn't look so bald (or apparently like a boy?!). It's still quite patchy, especially on the sides where she keeps scratching her eczema.

Tummy time is a success, she can lie on her tummy looking at her crawl and roll ball (flashy light plastic thing that sings songs and rolls around on its own, fantastic for entertaining her while I, er, write this blog post! Oops!) for a good 5 minutes sometimes. Attempting to roll over has gone out the window though. If she can't reach something she'll give up and lie there rather than roll over (even though I know she can as she's done it a few times!). She's addicted to jumping (what is it about jumping that babies love so much!!?) and sits in her jumperoo for ages entertaining herself. Mum and dad got a door bouncer which she loves too, although we have to watch her as we're all paranoid she's going to bash her head on the door frame. Mum and dad even say with cushions either side of her head the first time we used it! Paranoid grandparents much?! Haha!


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