For your baked goods amusement...

My RSS reader is full of feeds from random blogs. Whether it's LOLcats and their rather unique brand of catchphrases, or and their comic strip science based humour, they all have their reasons for my wanting to subscribe... but I realised that there was a collection of blogs that I had subscribed to which outnumbered the rest. Yes, I seem to have an attraction to food related blogs. Perhaps it comes with my love of food photography, perhaps there's just a fat person inside me trying to get out, but whatever the reason, I thought I'd share.

My favourite kind of blog, combining the three C's - cookies, cakes and cuteness. Plus the technical skill of some of the shots make me drool drool more than the baked goods. I only wish my skills were good enough to not only TAKE such shots, but to also bake such amazing subjects.

This is why you're fat
Pretty self explanatory. A collection of reader submitted photos of artery clogging dishes. Seriously, chicken McNugget cocktails? Chocolate covered sausages?

Cake wrecks
From mis-spelt icing, to deformed cartoon characters, there's a cake mistake on every page. Mmm an ash tray cake, just what you've always wanted....


Jane Q Doe said…
oh my god. i've been to the cake wrecks site before. effing hilarious!!

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