Well, I guess the weekend's over... Friday night made a truck load of sushi and sashimi with my friends and drank lots of sake and Asahi beer. Saturday managed to drag my bum to badminton for 11am even though I'd only had 4 or 5 hours sleep, then went home for a nap before my friend came over. We spent ages getting ready and had a few drinks then headed to SeONE for Shortie's Chinese New Year party. I KNEW there'd be queues even though we got there just before 11 but luckily Shortie gave me VIP tickets and we walked straight in! The music was pretty good, but the crowd was SO young... got hit on by a cute guy but when he asked me what I was studying the alarm bells went off and I asked how old he was... he was 20! I made my excuses after that! haha...

Today I drive to Popo's, picked her up and then went to see Mum and Dad and had some nice duck. Was SO sleepy after dinner I thought I was going to fall asleep on the sofa, but woke up after a cup of tea!

Already have next weekend sorted out... going out with work colleagues Friday and possibly Boujis on Saturday with cuz and co... and off to see 23 on Wednesday!


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