Handwriting analysis


Wow, did mine and it's freakishly accurate... won't copy ALL the analysis as it's quite long but here's a few of the comments!

For a graphologist, the spacing on the page reflects the writer's attitude toward their own world and relationship to things in his or her own space. If the inputted data was correct Erin has left lots of white space on the right side of the paper. Erin fills up the rest of the page in a normal fashion. If this is true, then Erin has an unhealthy relationship to the past and has a fear of moving forward. The right side of the page represents the future and Erin seems unwilling to face the fear of getting started living now and planning for the future. Erin seems to be clinging to past events and spending lots of time thinking about what happened. It would be best to leave the past behind and move on. Stop crowding that left margin.

Erin has a healthy imagination and displays a fair amount of trust. She lets new people into her circle of friends. She uses her imagination to understand new ideas, things, and people.

She feels she has the ability to achieve anything she sets her mind to. However, she sets her goals using practicality-- not too "out of reach".

Erin is sensitive to criticism about her ideas and philosophies. She will sometimes worry what people will think if she tells them what she believes in. This doesn't mean she won't talk, or that she feels ashamed. It merely means she is sensitive to what others think, regarding her beliefs.

Erin uses judgment to make decisions. She is ruled by her head, not her heart. She is a cool, collected person who is usually unexpressive emotionally. Some may see her as unemotional. She does have emotions but has no need to express them. The circumstances when Erin does express emotions include: extreme anger, extreme passion, and tremendous stress. If someone gets her mad enough to tell her off, she will not be sorry about it later. She puts a mark in her mind when someone angers her. She keeps track of these marks and when she hits that last mark she will let them know they have gone too far.

Erin tends to write a bit smaller than the average person. When a person's letters are small and tiny, this indicates an ability to focus and concentrate. However, if Erin writes tiny all of the time, she will also display characteristics of someone who is socially introverted. Erin will often sit on the sideline and watch others get the attention at parties. she might be willing to open up and be warm, but only in small groups or a select group of people. When she is busy working on a project, it is common for all other noises and distractions to just fade away and her ability to focus is incredible. When she says she didn't hear you... really, she didn't hear you.


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