1 week old!

My little munchkin is now 1 week old. She's growing cuter and cuter (and more opinionated and stubborn) every day! Her face has changed already! She's a greedy little monkey, drinking anywhere between 40-90ml a go. The midwife was surprised when she weighed her at 6 days old that she'd only lost a tiny bit of weight!

I'm exclusively pumping breast milk as she still won't take to the breast (and if I'm honest I've given up trying to make her as I can't bear forcing her head towards the boob and see her strain against my hand, go red and throw a temper tantrum!). It's time consuming, exhausting and stressful, but I'm not willing to resort to formula just yet as I'm pumping 80ml (4fl oz) every 2-3 hours, which is plenty to keep her tummy full. Night time is the worst, trying to feed her, sterilise everything ready for the next feed, then pump for 30-40 mins... which doesn't leave much time to sleep! Thank goodness for hubby and mum who have been taking over feeds so all I need to do is pump. God knows how I'm going to cope once hubs is back at work and Mum's back home!

Today she's decided to feed every 2 hours, which means we've barely had time to have lunch (hubs held her while I pumped and I cut up his pizza so he could eat one handed). Hope that doesn't last long! She's been so unsettled, waking up each time she's put down in her moses basket. The only time she seems to sleep properly is when we're holding her! Oh the joys of parenthood!

Anyway on lighter note, she's just adorable and her not settling means I get more cuddles and head smelling time! Yum! Her favourite position is on our chests. She's taken over mummy's favourite spot on daddy, nuzzling her head into his neck! So cute. Poor daddy is exhausted from the night feeds and keeps falling asleep on the sofa. He's going to be falling asleep at his desk when he goes back to work!


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