Messy play - desensitising munchkin

As munchkin is still not eating properly, I thought we'd try some messy play with food to desensitise her to food... no pressure to eat anything or put anything in her mouth, but if she did, lots of praise. The sun (finally!) was out today so mum and I filled up the baby bath with water, popped her in with some toys and let her have a spash about. Then I introduced a bowl of very thick warm custard and hid her chew toys and some cutlery in it to encourage her to get her hands dirty. It went fairly well! She put her chew toys in her mouth and didn't seem to mind the custard too much, but definitely wasn't too sure about getting her hands dirty and pushed the bowl of custard away a couple of times. All in all I think it was a success though! May have to try again with some tin spaghetti next time!


She's so cute!

I hope her eating gets better. H eats everything, so you know, could be a future paring there ;)
Sweetpea said…
Two mixed babies having mixed babies.... MEGA cute offspring! Haha

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