buh bye bunions!

Well, it's the day after my op and my bunions are now a thing of the past! yay! The pain however is BAAAAAAAAD....

Mum, Dad and hubby went to Guy's hospital with me yesterday morning at 6am. After lots and lots of waiting around, tests and the like, I finally went under around midday. I was supposed to have local anaesthetic but the surgeons thought it was a bad idea so they put me under general. Walking into the anaesthetic room was scary I have to admit, and the anaesthetist dug around in the back of my hand for what seemed like ages trying to find a vein until she gave up and knocked me out via a vein in my arm. 2pm I woke up again with big bandaged feet. They've given me some weird shoes which look a lot like geisha sandals, which are supposed to enable me to walk on the balls of my feet (not that I'm doing much walking as it's so painful!). 

The post op recovery room was pretty awful, mainly because of the company. The nurses were lovely (they made me THE best cup of tea I have ever had, and gave me a sandwich which was SO good as I hadn't eaten all day) but the other women recovering were the most moony bunch of old bags I have ever met. They moaned about having to wait so long. They moaned about how sore it was having the needles taken out of their hands. One REALLY insensitive woman actually sat there and complained to the woman next to her that she'd had a bunion op like the poor girl over there (pointing at me but not actually speaking TO me) and that it was the worst thing she'd ever done as they messed it up and her feet have never been the same and she can't wear shoes anymore blah blah blah. JUST what you want to hear when you've just had the same operation on BOTH of your feet. 

Anyway, I'm now at my parents house being looked after while hubby is at work. Yesterday I was all "wow it's no where near as painful as everyone says it is". Then the local anaesthetic wore off. I managed to get 4 hours sleep before I woke up... then lay there wondering if I should call the house phone and wake up my Mum to give me some pain killers. Another 2 hours later, I figured 6am wasn't so early to wake the house up and gave in. The pain was unbearable. Pathetic  but I had a little cry when Mum came downstairs as my feet are SO sore. Even after codeine and ibuprofen they're still ridiculously painful. I have no idea how I'm going to sleep. 

But, fingers crossed this will be worth it. I sneaked a peek at X-rays taken while I was under and it looks like the bones are all lovely and straight now! I'm going to be laid up for 6 weeks in all by the sounds of it... so expect LOTS of blogging from me in my boredom!


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