2 weeks in... looking good!

So it's almost been two weeks since my bunion operation. Today I FINALLY got to leave the house (yes I haven't been outside these 4 walls since 6th December!) if only to go back to Guy's hospital to get my dressings changed! After having my feet bound up for so long, I was a bit nervous seeing what my poor bruised tootsies looked like under all the wadding, but it wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be! And my toes are definitely a lot straighter than they were! If you're squeamish, I'd say look away now... but it'd be too late HA!


(very very wonky toes...)

After (so far!!)

(still swollen and very very bruised... owwww)

I'm so glad the bandages are off! Shame I still can't walk unaided though... and the pain is still keeping me awake at night so I'm tired all day! Gah! I guess my bones are still not completely healed. I have to go back again in 4 weeks to get an X-ray and fingers crossed I can get rid of the weird reverse heel shoes and crutches!

The other annoying thing is that my doctors surgery seems to be totally unorganised! I called up the day after my op to get a doctors note, and was told to self certify and call back in a week. So I waited a week, called up again on Monday and was told to write a note requesting a note. Right. Ok. So I did this (as well as supplying a copy of my discharge notes from the hospital and they didn't seem to have those either!) and Dad went in on Wednesday to collect the letter. Only, they didn't have it. NO record on the system but they were very sorry, they would chase the doctor, find out where it was and to come back later on in the week. Tried again today and FAIL... no note and nothing on the system... "we'll check and call you this afternoon". No call, so I called THEM. And what did they say? "Sorry there's nothing on the system at all. Can you call back on Monday and get the duty doctor to write it for you?". WTF?! Incompetent, disorganised *£@#! GRRRR. I've been off work 2 weeks now with no doctors note! So annoying! 0_o


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