Asian people are not cheap. We just don't want to pay for sh*t we made...!

You may have noticed from past blog posts that I love watching YouTube videos. Not just any video mind... but there are a few peeps I subscribe to and always watch their new clips. One of those people is David So. He's a Korean dude from the States who posts up hilarious videos taking the mickey out of other youtubers (like this racist idiot, whom I previously blogged about here) or himself. The most recent clip was more of the latter and had me laughing in bed (yeah I tend to watch YouTube clips, on my iPhone, in bed, before I go to sleep... so?!). The video is about Asian stereotypes...

"Asian people are not cheap. We don't want to pay for sh*t we made...!"

HAHA... cracked me up... David So, you are hilarious!

So true... so true...

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


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