Racism or ignorance?

Ok I haven't been on YouTube for a while... but there's this clip of a rather busty blonde ignorant American gal doing the rounds on facebook at the moment... and curiosity got the better of me. I clicked and watched a rather idiotic girl ranting about "Asians" in the library, how loud they were chatting on their mobiles, how their entire families decend on the dorms each weekend bringing their kids food... blah blah blah.

Now, ok maybe she has a fair point about the noise. Chinese people can have a tendency to shout rather than talk at a normal volume level. But her “Chinese person” impression of someone on the phone, going  “ching chong ching chong chow”? Wow.... seriously WOW. I don't think I've heard that kind of impression since I was 8. Why does it shock me that people in this day and age are still so obviously racist? It shouldn’t, especially considering my encounter with the guy at the till in Tesco’s yesterday, who decided it was a good idea to say “ni hao” to me, ask me my age, if I was China (no dumbass that’s a country, not a race) and then on my reply that I was half CHINESE, immediately ask me if the other half was Japanese. Seriously?! Why do guys think that shouting ni hao to a Chinese looking girl would help them score?! Has it EVER worked? I doubt it. It’s just offensive!! 

Anyway, again digressing… back to busty blonde and her YouTube rant… don’t get me wrong. Her ignorance is astounding and there’s no excuse for racism, either by bleach blonde white American girls, or Chinese alike. But what amazes me the most is her complete clueless stupidity. She obviously goes to a college that is FULL of Chinese people (or “Asians” as she calls them… probably because she can’t tell the difference between Chinese, Japanese, Koreans, or any other race that comes from Asia… which is confirmed by her tasteless remark about the JAPANESE tsunami). So is posting up a quite racist rant on YouTube about your fellow classmates, where it is publicly viewable and accessible by millions (including the people you just did a rather crappy offensive impression of) the wisest idea?! Stating at the beginning that you're not the most politically correct person in the world and don't mean to offend, and that you're not talking about people you know, just people you DON'T know, ISN'T going to make you sound any less of a racist! You may have racist opinions, but how spectacularly dumb do you have to be to voice them to the masses. What kind of reaction is she expecting (considering the number of hateful Facebook groups that have sprung up petitioning for her expulsion from UCLA, not a positive one!)? Well, THIS kind of reaction had me in STITCHES! I’m 100% sure she’s had plenty of much more threatening, angry responses (probably involving permanent damage), but personally, I think THIS is the best way to combat stupidity and racism… ridicule and comedy. David So. You ROCK!


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