Giant Elmo!

Now, I love all things Sesame Street (or Muppet, or Jim Henson), so naturally when I passed my local fancy dress shop in the shopping centre last weekend I SQUEED with delight and ran (ok maybe I kind of skipped a teeny teeny bit) over to their window to take a photo of THIS BEAUTY!

HOW COOL is this fancy dress outfit? I want to have a fancy dress party RIGHT NOW just so I can make my fiance dress up as a giant ELMO! Er yes, my fiance... not me... I'm not dressing up as a giant red fuzzy monster with a cute infectious giggle...! I'd look dumb! No, I want my other half to. He'd look super duper cute. And cuddly. And not in the least bit stupid. At least that's what I'd tell him... as I snuggled up to him, all fuzzy. *sigh* I love the muppets. Other people just don't share my love. My attempt at making my soon-to-be-betrothed watch The Muppet Movie was met with raised eyebrows and a confused and slightly exasperated expression. Just. Don't. Get. It.

Anyway, digressing. Love this fancy dress outfit. Best window display they've had by far. The crappy 118 outfit next to Elmo... not so great. Neither was the really god awful matching his and hers caveman outfits. But Elmo... genius. Someone buy it and come to my party when I have one!!

Ok, going to have to stop blogging. Am rambling slightly with over excitement... was browsing through my project 365 and spotted this and suddenly BLAM! Blog post written in 5 minutes. So yeah. Elmo. LOVE IT!


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