Credit crunch? HP have money to BURN!
Why else would they post a PS2 mouse on a wooden pallet?! Browsing the British Born Chinese discussion boards this lunch time, I came across this thread about excessive packaging, which led me to search for further examples of ridiculous packaging from Hewlett Packard. What kind of MORON packs 32 A4 sheets of paper in 17 boxes, complete with foam lining??! Surely someone must have thought "Err... maybe an envelope will do...". If this is how they mail all their goods, I'll be waiting for the "HP job losses" news story due to sky rocketing over heads.
- 17 boxes to protect 32 A4 sheets
- Wooden pallet to deliver a MOUSE!
- Mountain of boxes to post a printer cartridge
- Huge box to deliver a hard drive
- 1 sheet of A4 paper, bubblewrapped