6 years on... year 1 of reflux and CMPA

Browsing all my saved note on my phone today and found this. I can’t lie it brings a lump to my throat when I think about the lack of support I got and how long SY suffered from both reflux and CMPA before anyone took notice and listened to what I was saying... 6 years later and she’s happy healthy and eats massive portions! There’s light at the end of the tunnel! But when you’re a first time mum and you don’t know what’s “normal”, go with your gut. The instincts of a new mother are surprisingly accurate. Advocate for your child, be that pushy parent and don’t take no.

I hope by posting this a new mum may identify the signs of CMPA and silent reflux and it’ll empower some of you to get help for your babies sooner. ❤️

Birth 30/8: wouldn't bf, screamed, arched back and head, raspy breath.

23/10: started vomiting forcefully

5/11: Hv clinic visit. Explained taking up to 1 hour to feed each bottle, expressed concern re fighting at every feed and concern re silent reflux. Asked how much she should be drinking. Was told "I could give you the calculation but she'll drink what she wants to drink".

13/11: hv clinic visit. Expressed concerns again re refusal to feed/ refusal to drink more than half a bottle and vomiting. Mentioned raspy breath/chesty phlegm. Was told "I have no magic answers" re refusal to feed.

20/11: hv clinic visit. Again expressed concerns re refusal to feed. Was told to see GP if I was concerned.

24/11: self diagnosed silent reflux. Started her on Aptamil anti reflux milk.

10/12: GP visit. Told to continue Aptamil anti reflux and carry on what I'm currently doing. Prescribed movicol and suppositories for constipation.

11/12: hv clinic visit. Weight gain dropping. No advice given re refusal to feed.

10/1: hv clinic visit. Slow weight gain, dropped a percentile. Hv advised she's having 5-10oz a day less than she should and to review weight gain in a month.

23/1: GP visit. Prescribed gaviscon.

24/1: hv clinic. Again raised concerns re reluctance to feed. Weight gain plateaued on 2nd centile. Referred to dietician and GP requested to prescribe nutramigen.

26/1: started exclusively feeding asleep as refusing to drink anything awake

30/1: GP app. GP prescribed nutramigen.
refused to drink between 11am and 8:30pm

1/2: started nutramigen/Aptamil mix. Stopped gaviscon.

8/2: dietician app. Told to continue with nutramigen. Started giving just nutramigen, no Aptamil.

11/2: hv home visit. Advised to see doctor re depression.

13/2: dietician call. Explained nutramigen not helping. Still exclusively feeding asleep and getting harder to get her to drink. Advised will ask GP to prescribe Neocate.

15/2: doctor prescribed neocate

20/2: dr appointment - dr boateng said she would refer to paed allergist at Guys


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