1 year old!

Bit late posting this blog post but hey ho I'm a mummy now so things tend to slide... 

Anywho, can you believe munchkin is now 1 YEAR OLD! Ok so she might not look it thanks to being a little midget but yes, a whole YEAR has passed since she came into the world and turned everything topsy turvy, full of giggles, michief, a fair bit of stress and lots and lots of love! The little madam had not one but two birthday parties (one for her and one more for family), both almost equally as noisy! Her first party was a week early with all her aunties, uncles, great aunties and uncles and cousins. Her second was a massive 25 strong baby party in the church hall, complete with soft play, balloons, cake and a slide! She ended up with so many presents I think she might not need a single new toy or item of clothing for another year!

We took her to Christmas tree farm on her actual birthday, but the poor thing caught a stinking cold a few days before and wasn't her usual shouty smiley self. She still loved the sheep though! Not so bothered about the pigs, llamas, cows, donkeys, rabbits, horses or chickens... but she liked the sheep. Just the sheep. Strange child.

Now she's a year old, she's definitely developing into a little person. She's stubborn (still won't eat!), obsessed with trying to take things apart (and will point blank refuse to acknowledge you if in the middle of trying to figure something out). She now will dust if you give her a cloth, vacuums using Popo's hand vac, climbs stairs (or the back of the sofa onto the window sill!), makes broom broom sounds (like humming?) when playing with her cars, walks with her walker (when she wants to), stands for 60 seconds unaided (if she's distracted) and I SWEAR she said buh-bye and duck this week (although she hasn't said them since!). My baby is a baby no more. How the time flies!! 


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