Candy crush crack

Facebook games are addictive. I know. I spent many a lunchtime ploughing digital fields and harvesting pixelated pumpkins when I was sucked into the world of FarmVille. I was one of those annoying people sending out requests to all my Facebook friends, trying to get them to play so I could get a new tractor or a limited edition apple tree. But FarmVille is so last year! The game of the moment is Candy Crush. And it's sucked in most of my facebook friends. It's a puzzle game a bit like bejewelled (which I do play and get totally engrossed). I'm one of the few that has resisted signing up. Mainly because I know I'll get addicted. It's so frustrating. I want to play, but I know I shouldn't. If I do, chores won't get done and ill be forever sat with my phone in hand, matching jelly beans. The temptation is always there though... I get constant requests from friends to join so they can pass level a billion or whatever. It's like a recovering alcoholic turning up to a party and constantly being offered a beer. I must resist!

Anyway, the reason I post this is because I saw this hilarious YouTube blog by one of my favourite puppets, Glove and Boots. Pretty much sums up why CandyCrush  is like crack, and therefore EVIL. Enjoy!


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