
Yes, that's my new word for the unexpected poo-splosions that munchkin seems to do when we are usually out of the house with no cosy changing facilities.

Take today for example. Usually munchkin poos first thing in the morning. If she doesn't, because her feeding has been so bad, I'm usually at mum and dads, so an early afternoon poo accident doesn't really matter. However, today there was no sign of her daily poo by 11:30am and I just knew she was going to wait til the most inconvenient time to do it. Tomorrow is Chinese New Year so we needed to go to Wing Yip to buy ingredients for new year hot pot at mum and dads, so we bundled her and her massive bag of things in the car and set off. Half way there, I hear "nnnnnnggggghhhhhhhh" coming from the car seat, and I think "oh crap." Literally. I know she's pooed, and she's going to have to sit in it til we get to Wing Yip. We park up, I get her out the car seat, sniff her bum and yup, sure enough, she's pooed. I pull off her tights to check, and no mistaking, it's everywhere. Seeping through two layers of vests, through her tights too. I plonk her on my lap and lay out the changing mat in the back seat, put her down, and there is poo smeared on my jeans! I then had to one handed remove her denim dress, two vests (without getting poo over her head or feet, depending on which way i pulled the vests off!) and nappy, wipe her down (which took a billon wet wipes because her poo was like plasticine and had stuck to her bum, legs and tummy like tar!) and try and prevent her arms and legs from flailing into the horrible GREEN poo, smearing it across my back seat! I tell you it. was. not. fun. And hubby helpfully kept on exclaiming "OMG it stinks!". Um yeah, well YOU didn't get it all over your jeans and hands!

So yeah, that's what I call a Poonami. A tidal wave of poo that miraculously escapes the confines of the nappy and ends up bloody everywhere. Thanks for that munchkin. At least you're not constipated! Could be worse!

So anyway, here's a photo of munchkin, pre-poonami, before she was put in a plain white babygrow. Honestly I don't know why I bother dressing her up sometimes! Ha!


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