My homemade nursery tree mural

Today was the start of the big nursery prep! 9:30am my Uncle popped by with all the boxes of baby things from him and my Aunty. Then mum and dad took me to go buy a blackout blind and paint. Quick tea and cake stop at Keri's then it was back home to tackle the mural!

I'd seen loads of very nice tree decals online and immediately wanted one in the nursery, but I couldn't justify £80 on a giant sticker when I have a million other essential baby things to buy! So I decided to attempt drawing and painting my own! I used to be really good at art at school, so how hard could it be, right?

Well, actually, very hard. Who knew drawing a convincing tree that didn't look like something out of a horror film was so damn difficult?! The first tree I drew hubby didn't like, so I humpily told him to use a rubber (most of a whole rubber!) to erase it himself (I didn't mention I wasn't comvinced myself lol). I then had to draw it again. I had major reservations about the tree once I finished, and even after painting the trunk and branches I was still wondering if attempting my own home made mural instead of a wall sticker decal was a good idea. Thankfully once I got the leaves on the tree it looked tons better! I now need to glue the birds I cut out of wallpaper samples (thank you B&Q!) to the tree (I only blu tac'ed them on because I'm too tired to paste them properly!) and it's complete! Not sure if it still needs more birds? Not a bad effort if I do say so myself! I even made a little collage owl out of wallpaper scraps. Awwww...


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