Happy 75th birthday Jim Henson!

I am a HUGE fan of the Muppets. I blame a childhood of Sesame Street with Bert and Ernie, Grover, Big Big, the Count, Elmo... I have every single Muppet movie on DVD and videotape, episodes of Fraggle Rock, the Dark Crystal, the Labyrinth... I have Muppet corgi car toys, original 70's Fraggles... yes I am a huge Muppet memorabilia addict! Jim Henson is a huge part of my childhood. So I was really pleased to see todays Google Doodle displaying a tribute to the best puppet master in the world to commemorate what would have been his 75th birthday!

I thought I'd create my own tribute Jim, so here's a selection of my favourite Muppet moments...


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