Christmas is fast approaching...

How quickly the year passes... November is almost over and December is looming with numerous Christmas parties, shopping trips for Christmas presents and before I know it, Christmas and new year will be over, I'll be back at work and then it'll be my birthday.

I already have ideas as to what to buy everyone this year, I'm just waiting for my pay cheque on Friday so I can start buying as I'm broke! I'm going to the xmas ball again this year which I hope will be fun... that's on the 9th December, then my friend's birthday on 15th, then the work xmas party on 20th, then it's Christmas!

Really want to go to the West End one night to go and take some night photos of all the Christmas lights while they're up as well. I've asked for a new tripod for Christmas but might go before I get it as I'm too impatient to wait!

Feel like this year has flown by, and what have I achieved? Hmm... not much to be honest... a bit more savings than last year and that's about it... rather than being excited I'm beginning to feel a bit disillusioned... work, party, drink, eat, work, and then it's a new year of the same... nothing changes. How sad...


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