Mothers Day

Happy Mother's Day to all those mothers out there! I can't believe I overslept this morning!!!! I reset my clock on my mobile this morning and accidently set it as PM rather than AM so this morning when my alarm was due to go off at 9:30am, it didn't because my phone thought it was 9:30pm! I spent a really nice day at Popo's house when I finally got there though. Me and the other half went to her place and my sister, Mum, Dad, Uncle, Aunty and cousins were there. Had a great roast lamb, ate WAY too much, had cake and custard and cream, cheese and crackers, and STILL got peckish when I got home! Disgusting!

On a totally separate topic, I think I'm addicted to shopping... I keep on thinking of things I 'need' to buy! Last week I bought some black herringbone tights, a green t-shirt with 'Spongebob Nudie Pants' on it (which is really cool and is now my favourite t-shirt), and I bought a cook book today on Amazon... and the week before that I bought a new gold handbag, a black waistcoat, some black shorts, a new top, um... sure there was other stuff too I've forgotten... Really bad... keep on spending money (mostly on clothes) but I get bored with what I have so easily! Very materialistic I know! Think I should try NOT to buy anything for myself for one month and see how much money I save... but maybe I'll try that after my NEXT pay cheque as I just got paid and already bought stuff for myself and it's probably better to start from a new pay cheque and start fresh right? hehe....

This month is going to be so hectic... loads of things going on... me and the other half are going for dinner at The Mango Tree, I got a night out at Ruby Blue with work collegues, plus work drinks and possibly clubbing with my friend, and shopping with her in Canary Wharf (another reason why I'll do that whole no shopping thing next month), plus Easter weekend (which we might go away for), plus 2 birthday parties to go to (in one night)... busy busy! Lots to look forward to though... so will have to buy more clothes so I have something good to wear.... hehehehe


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