Eek! My Hair!

I think I had a bit of a mad moment today (or technically yesterday as it's now 1:42 am on Sunday to be precise)!! I've been meaning to go get my hair trimmed for a few weeks as my fringe had grown out a lot and the ends were getting split blah blah.... so went to the hairdressers and on a whim decided to get it all chopped off!

Now I'm not talking about a little trim here... I'm talking 20 - 30 cm taken off. From hair down to my elbows to above my shoulders! Eek! It looks ok but I'm not 100% convinced yet. It's going to take a lot of getting used to!!! Oh dear what have I done?! It's such a big change... boohoo.... my hair!!! I'm not sure I should have done it but it's too late now!


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