
Funny how this time round I've had totally different pregnancy cravings. I just stumbled on a bottle of strawberry crusha which I was addicted to for the first 3 months of my pregnancy this time. I have absolutely no desire to drink pink milk now I'm past the 3 month mark. Instead I'm spending an absolute FORTUNE on coconut water (£1 a pop on little cartons at lunch which I down in one go and over £7 on two litre cartons in my weekly shop, along with 80p cans of Thai coconut water with coconut flesh.  I literally cannot get enough of the stuff. 

Last pregnancy I was all about sweet and salt popcorn and chicken and avocado sandwiches (not together!). They say you crave what your body needs. First time round my body obviously craved an extra 3 stone of weight. I'm trying very hard not to end up absolutely massive this time round. Which is hard considering I spent the first three months eating non stop to keep acid and painful indigestion/wind at bay and now am permanently hungry. There's no hope. The flabby arms and piggy eyes will be returning. Boohoo.


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