The challenges of being a new mum

Before you become a mummy you don't realise how much one little baby can dictate every aspect of your life. The smallest of tasks become a logistical nightmare. Before munchkin was born, I'd do everything in a rush, dashing from one place to the next. These days I'm lucky to get out the house on time and do one thing off my to do list. Even basic tasks you'd never consider a problem with a baby make you stop in your tracks and think "OMG how do I do this now?". Take filling the car up with petrol... I purposefully avoid running the car dry as I don't want to fill up the car on a week day when hubby is at work. Why? I don't want to leave munchkin alone in the car on the forecourt while I go inside the petrol station to pay!

Even getting a buggy out the car is a nightmare! After a few weeks of lugging ours up and down the stairs in our block of flats, I decided to keep our buggy out in the boot of the car. Smart eh? Well, yes, until you carry the baby down to the car and realise you don't have hands to get the buggy OUT! I ended up plonking her lengthways across the seat, praying she didn't choose that moment to learn to roll, and then ran to the boot to assemble the buggy as quickly as possible!

Then there's the baby specific tasks that you thought would be easy but end up coming with their own set of challenges... changing a nappy is easy right? Wrong! try changing a nappy that has exploded unexplicably up and out not only the back of the nappy and all over the inside of the babygrow, but up and out the front too... and try removing said poo splattered nappy without letting a leg flailing 10 week old kick their over energetic feet into the mustard yellow very runny now smearing all over the place poop. And while you're trying to hold those karate kicking legs, try stopping little grabby hands from grasping the poo smeared bottom of the baby grow that fell into the poop whilst you were trying to control the kicky legs! You need literally 4 pairs of hands to hold poop flailing appendages and avoid a disastrous poopy hand to mouth catastrophe! And there's the additional challenge of getting the poo covered babygrow off the baby! Off and over the head is a no no unless you want a poo smeared face and hair, but pulling down means poo all over the legs and feet after you've tried so hard to avoid spreading it whilst changing the nappy!

Yes having a baby presents sole unique challenges!


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