Oh baby what a night!

No, I'm not referring to a night of passion (ha! You don't get those when you have a 2 month old baby!). I'm referring to my munchkin's antics last night! Recently she's decided she doesn't want to drink her milk once the bottle pops out her mouth, which results in a battle of wills getting her to drink enough. Usually she'll chew on her hand which shows she's hungry, but stubborn madam won't let the teat back in her mouth... she pushes it out with her tongue... so mummy has to put a dummy in her mouth, wait til she's distracted, then whip the dummy out and bung the bottle in her mouth. She'll drain the bottle once it's in there!

BUT every now and then she clocks the switcheroo and kicks up a fuss. The teats on the bottles I'm using seem abnormally long, and every now and then she gags on them... and last night, she gagged and projectile vomited ALL OVER ME, HERSELF ABD THE BED! Seriously it was like a scene from the exorcist! She started gagging, then I felt her tummy churn and thought uh oh... and WHOOSH a huge arc of milk spouted from her mouth and jetted across the mattress. Yuck. Did I mention this was at half 4 in the morning?

So, I changed her clothes, which were now soaked with milk (I'm pretty sure she threw up the entire 90ml she'd just drunk), managed to get another 50ml down her as she realised her tummy was now empty, changed the bed sheets.... And she did a massive poo! So I had to pick her back up and change her bum!

Think I'm going to have to change her bottles... Can't have all this projectile puking malarky! Poor bubba!!


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