Purple potatoes

When I was a baby my mum said I would eat anything brightly coloured. Well, looks like I haven't changed much. I bought a pack of purple potatoes for dinner the other day, purely because I'd never seen them before and... er... they were purple! And when I cooked them I of course had to document the cooking process! If bright colours equal good for you, then these must be real super foods! They made my hands a lovely violet (which in turn stained my beloved paperchase cute animal tea towel purple boohoo) and they turned the water an alien blue when I boiled them!

After the over excitement of chopping and boiling the tattys (which ended up an odd shade of blue post boiling) I was dyyyyying to see what they tasted like. So I was really disappointed when I popped a starchy mauve potato on my mouth and tasted.... wait for it... POTATO! They taste no different to normal potatoes! Bah! I was expecting a rainbow coloured party on my tongue!! Like the skittles ad "taste the rainbow"! More like taste the floury slightly over boiled because I was too busy snapping away shots kf the weird blue potato water on my iPhone... ahh well... here's some photos!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


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