
As most of you will know, I am obsessed with categorising things. So when I saw Stylebook reviewed on Mashable, I wanted to download it instantly. Stylebook allows you to take photos of each item of clothing in your wardrobe, categorise them, and put items together into looks. A handy calendar function lets you track what you've worn (so you don't wear the same outfit twice in a week... if you had a VERY bad short term memory!). You can even remove unwanted background from images to give a clean magazine style image. This app is great for people who wear the same clothes day in day out, purely because they've forgotten what else they have in their wardrobe (guilty!). Now I have it, hopefully that neglected t-shirt and long lost jumper will find their way back to the front of my closet!

My only gripes with this app are the lack of zoom function on the manual background edit (belts and necklaces are a nightmare when the background auto-removal tool doesn't do the job and you have to paint round intricate shapes with a fat finger... resulting in you usually removing half the item as well as the background. I'm a photographer, photo editing is something I do a lot so I hate shoddy work!), and the ability to rename your assembled looks (it automatically names them look 1, look 2 etc, which is fine until you delete one and the numbers are no longer in sequence. Yes, OCD, I like things in ORDER!).

Some tips, when taking photos of your items, try to use natural light, and photography everything in the same light so colours are consistent. Also, the background removal tool works on a colour basis, so avoid taking photos of your pink top on a pink background. The auto-removal tool won't be able to tell the difference between the two and you'll have to manually paint out the background yourself (resulting in missing sleeve cuffs and wobbly seams).

Obviously, I now want to go home and photograph and catalogue my entire wardrobe... including all my shoes, belts, accessories and coats. Project for this weekend I think! Fingers crossed my outfits will now be more varied and well accessorised!

(oh and yes, the clothes in the photos above are my ACTUAL clothes. How cool is that?!)


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