Hot tub time machine

Thanks to I once again got to watch a film for nada... last night I went to see Hot Tub Time Machine, without any real expectations (mainly because it had a REALLY crappy name). Admittedly, I got a bit excited when the cinema got the film wrong and started playing Kick Ass (which I want to see), but I think the majority of the theatre weren't too impressed with the last minute change of screening, walking out to complain, so 20 minutes late, we watched the right film.

How can I describe this film. The best comparison I can make is The Hangover meets Back to the Future. It's a typical boys weekend alcohol fuelled bender, but with an accidental time machine disguised as a hot tub, and a lot of 80's shell suits, and the obligatory "don't change the past or you won't have been born" and "oh my god THAT'S my mother?!" plot. I know, the film sounds stupid, but regardless it was hilarious. The entire cinema was laughing throughout. Perhaps as an 80's baby I found the retro references nostalgic in a cringy spoofy kind of way, but the gags were genuinely funny, and the storyline so far fetched you just go with it. With a cast including John Cusack, you can't really go wrong. Perhaps not an action packed must see at the cinema movie, but definitely a must watch on DVD release film.


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