Alpha Kenny Body...

Ahhh it's been ages since I checked up on KevJumba's YouTube clips... so when I checked out his YouTube page and this clip started playing, I wet myself laughing... I LOVE clips with Kevin's Dad! KevJumba's Dad RULES!

If you haven't seen any of KevJumba's clips before, take a look at my previous post (which was ranting about having a white guy as Goku in every Asian's favourite anime turned big screen film Dragonball Z) which features two of his funniest clips (girls are like M&M's and Asian's aren't cool enough). He's a hilarious guy who posts YouTube clips which take Chinese stereotyping and turns them on their head into hilarious sketches.

Anyway, on to today's favourite clip... yet again at the expense of Kevin's Dad... Alpha Kenny Body... Hilarious...


Hooi Khin said…
Hi, I found a link to your blog in my search for the cookbook Dim Sum DIY by Kevin Lam. Could I ask if you ever managed to secure a copy and if so how or where I could do the same? I would like to purchase it for my mum.
Thank you.
Sweetpea said…
Hey! No sorry I never did find a copy! Hard to find book!! If you find somewhere that stocks them let me know as I really want a copy too!

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