Wall of cuteness!

On a shopping trip to Tescos recently my other half and I realised we
had no iron, and on seeing a half price deal decided to buy one.
Bonus, not only was it discounted, it was PINK! Aftermy initial
squeals of delight (yes if it's pink, I'll get excited, even over
mundane every day household appliances... more so if they're
kitchenware...) my boyfriend asked with a pained expression if our
flat, once we buy one, will be wall to wall pink. So I pouted and said
no. Which worked. Because he hugged me and said ok ok pink it is.
That's why I love him.

Anyway, we've just moved into a rented place, and as I can't decorate,
I have settled for a corner of cuteness. A shelving unit full of nick
knacks to make it feel like home. Not quite Hello Kitty wall paper but
satisfyingly pink! (no, really, I was kidding about the wall paper...
I'd be ok with a cushion... Or two... Seriously...)


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