Natural History Museum

It's Sunday and I just got back from another fun day out! We went to the Natural History Museum and saw the Nature Photography exhibition. The photos were amazing, made me want to go back to the zoo and take more photos! Then we went for a walk round the Science Museum (which was a bit boring) and went to Yum Cha in Laureate restaurant in China Town. We spent ages looking for a Chinese supermarket that sold a small wet stone so we can sharpenthe meat cleaver at home, then got the tube home.

We're going to see Mum and Dad's new flat tonight and tomorrow we're going to my Uncle's for a BBQ! The weather was actually quite warm today. I went out without a coat which is amazing as the weather has been rubbish the past few months.

One more day left to the long weekend and then it's back to work! At least I got dinner at Pont de la Tour on Tuesday yum yum...


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