Embracing my geekiness - Big Bang Theory & Star Trek

Watching an episode of the Big Bang Theory last night, it suddenly dawned on me that I am a total and utter geek. Why? Well, let us inspect the evidence shall we?
  1. I (without hesitation) explained to a baffled hubby who Will Wheaton is when he appeared in the Big Bang Theory. This conversation went something like this.
    Hubby: "Who's this Will Wheaton guy anyway?"
    Me: "He's Wesley Crusher in Star Trek".
    Hubby: "Who?!"
    Me: "You know, Wesley Crusher. The young kid in Star Trek Next Generation!"
    Hubby: "Er...."
    Me: "You know... Jean Luke Picard? That one!"
    Hubby: "yeah.... but who is he in it?"
    Me: "Argh. You know Beverly Crusher. The doctor? The red head?"
    Hubby: "The one with the big boobs?"
    Me: "Yeah if you like... her SON!"
    Hubby: "OHHHH!! Hiiiiimmmmm!!"
  2. I recognise too many fantasy references in the show... such as the sword from Game of Thrones that Leonard haggled for in the comic book shop in last night's episode.
  3. I knew who George Takei is when he appeared as Howard Wolowitz's "good angel".
  4. I know what a Romulan is (and that they're related to Vulcans... sad I know).
  5. I found the episode where they found the ring from Lord of the Rings HILARIOUS.
  6. I almost audiably squeed with delight when Brent Spiner appeared on the show and managed to offend Sheldon and get on his "hit" list (I also had to explain to hubby WHO Brent Spiner is and that he plays Data in Star Trek).
Ok. So maybe I'm not so much of a geek and more of a trekkie. I do find that increasingly as I switch on an episode of Next Generation or Voyager (sorry but the other Star Trek series don't do it for me) I'm disappointed that I've already watched it. On the up side, now I have Virgin TV I can watch tons of episodes of Stargate SG1, which I haven't seen! yay!

Anyway, I embrace my geekiness regardless. Thank goodness hubby will happily let me watch whatever I like on TV (even if it IS constant Star Trek, Game of Thrones and Star Gate re runs!).


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