Eating-sleeping-baby-making machine

I've become an eating machine. The past couple of weeks I've probably eaten my way through an entire fruit and veg stall at my desk. Even my colleagues have noticed, with the odd "OMG are you eating AGAIN?!" exclamation each time I peel another banana or rip open another bag of popcorn (which, must to the disgust of my husband, I have become quite addicted to). I even asked a colleague if he minded me bringing my yoghurt into a meeting the other day!!

I now have a dedicated snack corner on my desk, complete with punnets of seeds, nuts and dried fruit (courtesy of Graze), bananas and clementines, popcorn and my super duper bumper box of Tick Tock rooibos tea, so I can snack to my hearts content all day.

To demonstrate just how much I'm managing to chow down on in one day, I'll give you an example. Pre-pregnancy I had a very small appetite, watching what I ate. I'd usually skip breakfast (bad I know!), eat a sandwich at lunch, maybe with a bag of crisps or a piece of fruit, drink a gazillion cups of tea and coffee (oh coffee how I miss you....), and have dinner when I got home. That's it. Ok there'd be the odd chocolate bar or snack but on a good day, that was what I consumed... NOW... I get through:

2 chocolate weetabix (with milk)
1 large glass of milk
1 hot cross bun with butter
1 boiled egg
Handful of brazil nuts and almonds
1 pot (my own pot, as I bought a mammoth tub from the wholesalers, so probably the equivalent of 2 pots) of bio natural yoghurt
A large tub containing a 1/4 of a watermelon
An avocado and chicken sandwich
1 bag of popcorn (100g bag!! That's a lot of popcorn!)
1 clementine
1 bowl of spaghetti bolognaise
1 small bowl of Hagen daaz chocolate ice cream
Copious amounts of rooibos tea, glasses of water and milk

Phew! Makes me hungry just writing it all out! That was a particularly naughty day as I tend to try and cut out the popcorn and ice cream and eat more fruit... but as you can see, I'm eating a hell of a lot more!! I'm hoping I'm not over eating (a problem I've never had in my life before as I've always been conscious of my weight) but I just get so damn hungry ALL day. If I don't eat, I start getting stomach ache from trapped wind! On the upside, I think I've put on 5kg, which is roughly the right amount for this stage in my pregnancy. On the downside, my ass has definitely gotten bigger :(

To combat my insatiable appetite, I've decided to research and find some yoga classes for pregnant women. Fingers crossed I find one (and actually go) as I heard it can help with the birth... something else I have NOT researched or thought about yet... out of sight out of mind... EEK!!

In the meantime, I think I'm going to go and get myself some breakfast. It's 8am (I never seem to lie in these days thanks to toilet breaks and rather violent or upsetting dreams) so I may as well get up and eat! All this tall of food has given me a weetabix craving!! Nom nom nom...


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