Good Deed Feed #grateful365

Anyone who reads my tweets will know that my mornings are usually filled with angry commuter hate (just like every other Londoner sat on a squished National Rail train or stuffy London Underground tube). My rants usually include complaints about people inflicting their rubbish music on the rest of the carriage because they don't seem to have any other volume option on their ipods other than very very annoyingly loud, despair at men who think their balls are so big that their knees need to be as far apart as humanly possible (and therefore taking up half my seat) and amazement at women who insist on using the 8:20 train to Bedford as their personal bathroom to apply ten layers of slap and mascara. You get the gist!

So, I heartily thank whoever at the Metro who decided to start publishing the Good Deed Feed. A daily section which encourages people to text in with messages of thanks to others. It's a sure fire way of reminding me to be grateful, and think of the positives! I'll have to start tweeting photos of the daily feeds as part of my #grateful365 project (which incidentially I started and other people have started using in their tweets too! Yay!).


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