Count your blessings

Well, I've been slack on the blogging front since the wedding... and I'm not really up to writing a lengthy blog post yet. Sufficed to say that since the wedding, married life has been tough with lots of bad news in the family. The positive is that these things make you re-evaluate life, brings you closer and makes you count your blessings.... which brings me to my #grateful365 twitter project I started and forgot about. I think we all need to count out blessings and remind ourselves to be grateful for the good things in our lives... so I'm going to make a conscious effort to pick up my daily tweets again. In the mean time I thought I'd post a few photos of things that symbolise things friends have done recently which put a smile on my face. Doing something small for someone else may not seem a big thing, but sometimes it means a lot to that person when they're going through a hard time... even if you don't realise it.. so thank you to you. You know who you are.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


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