Woooo Monkey Island on my Nokia 5800!!!

Ok, major geek alert! I've just managed to download an app on my Nokia 5800 that allows me to play MONKEY ISLAND on my mobile phone! Woohoo! It took me a bit of digging and reading up to figure out how to do it, and as I couldn't find any comprehensive step by step guides, I thought I'd be lovely and write one for my fellow geeks!! Please note this is for Symbian S60 phones!

Download the SCUMM VM emulator here: http://anotherguest.se/cvsbuilds/scummvm-pre0_13_0_SymbianS60v3.sis

You'll then need to find a copy of Monkey Island. Now I suggest you get the relevant files legally from a copy of the CD from Amazon or some other reputable online store, but do some googling... once you have the files, plug your Nokia 5800 into your PC.

Copy the SymbianS60v3.sis onto your phone. I copied mine onto the memory card.

Copy the Monkey Island files onto the same location. Files I copied over to E:/ were (don't save these in a folder on the memory card or SCUMM won't find them when you install on your phone. Also keep the mp3 files directly on the memory card too or your game will have no sound!):

Plus 23 track1-23.mp3 files

Then, disconnect your phone, go to file manager, and run the SymbianS60v3.sis SCUMM installation file to install. Go to applications, and start SCUMMVM. Click add game, drive E: and it should find your Monkey Island game. Hit ok and you should see Monkey Island appear in your game list. Select it and hit start and you're good to go!

Another tip, you'll find the on screen keyboard shows at right angles to the actual game. Hit ctrl * 2 and it should rotate to match the game!

For extra tips and help, go to http://stefanhermann.com/?p=59 and http://forums.scummvm.org/viewtopic.php?t=6602


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