Google voice app has a dirty mind...

Google has brought out a new voice recognition search app for symbian phones. Naturally, being a gadget addict, I immediately downloaded it to my Nokia 5800, but felt slightly foolish speaking random search terms into my phone so waited until now to test it out. Is it any good? Is it worth downloading? Well, to be honest, the purpose of this app slightly baffles me. Ok, speaking search terms into your phone is a hell of a lot quicker than typing them out, and it could be useful if you wanted to search for something and had no hands free to type at the time, but you have to press and hold the green call button down before speaking into your phone… which kinda defeats the object… plus, it’s not particularly accurate. Now I know I don't exactly speak with a Queen’s English accent, but I’d say my voice is fairly average Joe… so when I said (rather slowly and what I thought was clearly) “Plumbers in Lewisham”, it was a tad disappointing that the Google search app heard “salmon erection” and fed back a ton of rather inappropriate search results….!

Needless to say, I don’t think I’ll be using that app on my phone… “UNINSTALL”!!


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