Post dinner sexism

Take a look at this photo. Looks pretty cool right? Pretty amazing for a Christmas party! Great venue. Glitzy decor. Lovely music. Amazing entertainment. Ladies in champagne glasses... yeah I thought so too. Until I posted it on my personal Facebook account and a friend was horrified. 

"I cannot believe they had women in champagne glasses! Objectifying much?!"

Now to be honest I hadn't given it a second thought. But it did make me think. Is it really appropriate entertainment for a black tie dinner? She asked me what my husband thought and his comments opened my eyes even further...

"Yeah but you can't really have men dancing in champagne glasses can you? It'd be weird!"

Very true. You wouldn't would you. A lightbulb went off in my head. It clicked. I pointed out to him that that was entirely the point. Why is it socially accepted that it's absolutely fine and dandy to have scantily clad women dancing in giant champagne glasses while everyone sits at their tables enjoying a 5* meal, but it would be completely inappropriate and perceived as weird, tasteless and tacky to have half naked men dancing about the stage at a classy evening do? 

Everyday sexism is so ingrained in society that as a woman, I didn't even bat an eyelid when the ladies came out to perform. I did however cringe at the whoops and barks of the men at the party when their female colleagues went up to collect awards and planted kisses on cheeks of the directors, and wondered if it bothered or made them feel uncomfortable. As someone who hopes and feels that she's a feminist, socially inclusive and liberal, it shocked me to think that the thought that the evenings entertainment was sexist didn't even enter my mind, and shows how we have a long way to go before things are truly equal. 

Why am I posting this? Because every day sexism needs calling out. It needs to be pointed out. If we don't, how do we educate both ourselves and others what is appropriate and what is not?

Next time I attend a function and the entertainment isn't appropriate, I won't be taking photos for posterity. But I may use it as a conversation starter at dinner. 


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