Moving on from feeding behavioural issues

When you've had a child with reflux who then developed the most horrific feeding/food/oral aversion, it's a slow long hard road to get to a place where they voluntarily eat. Even now, meals can take up to 2 hours on a bad day, with me or my mum sitting next to SY, literally spoon feeding her whilst distracting her with the TV. But that's why this photo has got to be one of my favourites this year so far (bar the ice cream cone one I posted previously!). 

Watching her voluntarily shovel duck and rice into her mouth (with CHOPSTICKS! cue proud Chinese mummy face!) is one of the best things i can imagine. Ok so she managed half her meal and the iPhone came out and I ditched my meal in favour of feeding her the rest of hers, but that's progress. I may still long for the day where she sits at the table and gets through an entire meal unaided and undistracted (hopefully before baby number 2 arrives but i won't hold my breath) but compared to the dark days where she point blank refused any solids (up to 1 1/2 years) this photo warms my heart. And she couldn't have chosen a better meal to love. Although daddy may disagree as she left him no duck, just a plate full of plain boiled rice.

Now let's pray that this second little one is allergy and reflux free and I get a taste of the easy days everyone else seemed to have with their newborns! Literally. Pray. I am! 


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