Pay it forward

This year I set myself the task of trying to spread some happiness. I've been picking people, either close friends or acquaintances, who seem like they needed a kind gesture and were going through a tough time, and sending them small gifts. The only stipulation on receiving and accepting the gifts is that they "pay it forward" by doing something equally nice for someone else this year. Even if only one of those people do something heart felt and caring for someone else, the happiness has been spread!

In January I contacted Rococo chocolatiers and had them make up a box of their marzipans for a friend who had a lot going on in her personal life and really seemed to need a pick me up and a sign that people were thinking about her. 

This month I sent someone a box of Japanese goodies (boxes of Pokky, crackers, sweets etc) from the Japan Center. I don't know what her struggle is but I could tell from the odd post online that she was going through a tough time and needed something nice to cheer her up. Unfortunately the box of goodies was supposed to be anonymous with a note saying people were thinking about her and that hopefully this cheered her up and to pay it forward, but the silly packing people forgot the note and wrote my name on the box so I was found out! Doh!

This morning my husband's personal trainer gave him two big bottles of Floradix (plant based multivitamins) to give to me as he's been saying how much better it would be for me. The hubs told him he's been too busy to buy any for me, so his personal trainer went out and got me two bottles (they're about £10 each!) and refused to take any money for them! Such a kind gesture! I'll be sending him a thank you card but I decided to use the opportunity to also pay it forward and do something nice for someone else, so when a girl in my team said she was DYING for some chocolate, I have her my emergency bar in my drawer. I've never seen anyone so happy! I told her the only condition was she had to do something nice for someone else. 

Sending these little gifts to people I hope it brightens up someone's day. I know what it can be like when you're depressed or low, and although sometimes the struggles you are coping with may not seem significant to someone on the outside, when they're your struggles they can be all consuming. A small gesture and a sign that you're not alone can be a big deal when you're that low, so I hope each person I pick to "pay it forward" gets a double whammy of feel good vibes by receiving something nice and then feeling good when they do the same for someone else!

Why not pay it forward for someone else and give it a go? It needn't be someone you know well. It could be buying lunch for the homeless person you walk past everyday on the way to work, or that person in the office who seems to be really stressed or upset. Whoever it is, you'll make a difference no matter how small, and hopefully they'll pass it on. :)


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