Speed reader!

It's official*. I'm 50% faster at reading than the national average*. I apparently read 375 words a minute. And yes. I am proud of that fact! I will be adding to my list of skills, along with being able to boil a perfect egg and roll my tongue. Explains why my book blog, since going back to work after maternity leave, has had a massive increase in posts (I've been keeping a record of the books I read for a while now, mainly because I keep forgetting what I've read… in particular Terry Pratchett books…). 22 books in 2 1/2 months to be precise. An average of an hour's reading 4 days a week. Would be more, but I seem to drop off every time I try to read in bed. Something to do with a certain little person waking me up at 4am on a regular basis. 

Anyways, see how you compare by taking the reading speed test here.

*"official" as in the stationary supplier Staples said it's official, because they created a marketing gimmick that assess your reading speed and obviously also drives tons of traffic to their site… and national average possibly being the US national average, which may not be much of a record in that case as I'm not too sure what the average literacy rating is like in the states… but whatever I'll take it.


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