7 months of hell and its getting worse....

I feel totally abandoned by health professionals... all I keep getting told is "keep going, you're doing great and she's gaining weight". They have no idea the lengths I go to to maintain her weight gain. Hours spent painstakingly inching a dummy out her mouth and trying to get her to suck a bottle while asleep. Constant distraction whilst trying to sneak a spoon in her mouth.... I feel like she's a rocking time bomb and its only a matter of time before she point blank refuses all bottles and we end up in A&E. and then what? They rehydrate her, send us home and she refuses again and we end up coming back?

The past few days she's taken a massive nose dive in intake. She won't feed asleep and is skipping her morning bottle and breakfast. We're lucky if we get 500ml down her. It was 700ml at a push. I'm continually watching for signs of dehydration. I feel like I'm at breaking point. Monday I gave her to hubs after trying to feed her for an hour with no success, climbed into bed and sobbed. Proper sobbed. I could have easily just not got up again. Ever. I can't do this anymore!

And to make my worries worse, we're due to fly to Hong Kong next week. All I can think of is stepping off the plane and heading straight to A&E because she's refused to feed all day and the whole flight. I'm sick with worry. I just want her to be normal and have an appetite and feed. So far we've been told she'll grow out of it when she's 3 months. Didn't happen. She'll grow out of it when you start weaning her. Didn't happen. She'll grow out of it once she starts sitting unaided. Didn't happen. Next milestone is crawling but all I envisage is her burning more calories but not taking enough in. I love her to bits but right now this is not fun at all. I just want someone to help!


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