Family Tree

The wedding at the weekend was really nice. I saw loads of my family I haven't seen in ages (who all kept on asking when it was my turn!) and Johnny kept on asking me how I was related to this person or that person and half of us didn't know!

So... I've decided to make up a family tree and eventually get it up on the internet. I started it last night but think it's going to take a lot of work as my family is HUGE! I've asked one of my uncles to post me the family tree he has so far (one of my cousins in Vancouver started one already but it's all on paper) so I can put that into the software I downloaded last night. Bit frustrating though as it doesn't create a flow diagram as such, just lots of web pages showing the previous two generations... might have to get something a bit better laster on before I input everyone's details! Can see myself getting very addicted though! Think once I've done most of it I can email it to everyone to fill in the blanks.


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